What is Share Tray in Microsoft Teams

Share Tray in Microsoft Teams is a Share button that lets you share content in the meetings. The content could be your screen, or window, or PowerPoint, or Whiteboard, or File, etc. Microsoft named the button that lets you share as Share Tray. There is no restriction on using Share Tray. Every user in the meeting gets the option to share unless the host of your meeting restricted the option. Share Tray has the ability to make your meetings on Microsoft Teams more lively and interactive. Only thing is that you can only access Share Tray during the meetings.

How to use Share Tray in Microsoft Teams

To start sharing in Microsoft Teams, follow these steps: Share Tray feature is only available during the meetings. To use Share Tray, click on the Share button on the top-right of the meeting and select what you want to share from the options like Screen, Window, etc.

Whatever you select and start sharing, it will be visible to all the members or participants in the meeting. When you are sharing something using the Share Tray, you see a small dialog box at the bottom-right of your screen with some options like mute or end meeting.

To end sharing but not meeting, you have to go to meeting screen and click on the button with an X mark on the top-right of the meeting window.

Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts to start and stop sharing using the Share Tray. To access Share Tray you can press Ctrl+Shift+Space on your keyboard. To stop sharing you can press Ctrl+Shift+E. Read: How to send an Urgent or Important Message on Microsoft Teams.