HTTP Error 503, The service is unavailable

HTTP Error 503 is an HTTP status code error. It indicates that the server you are reaching is currently unavailable. So, although there’s not much you can do to fix the issue if it persists on the server-side, here are a few solutions that might help! Let’s cover the process in a bit of detail!

1] Reload the page

Clear cache and reload the Webpage after a few minutes. The site might be overburdened with heavy traffic or maybe your browser cache has become corrupted. So, reloading the page may help. Most browsers Like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge feature a Refresh button somewhere on the address bar. Just hit the button and see if it fixes the problem. Fix: Error 503 Service Unavailable on Steam.

2] Correct the DNS configuration of the computer or the router

When there’s a fault with the DNS configuration of the computer or the router, you may see ‘Service Unavailable – DNS Failure’ message also. Such errors can be corrected by simply restarting the router. In the case of a problem with a selected DNS server, it may be fixed by choosing another DNS server to use. Related read: Web apps HTTP Error 503 and WAS event 5189.

3] Change Load User Profile from True to False

Open Internet Information Service Manager in Windows 10. Go to Application Pools.

Right-click on your Application Pool and choose Advanced Settings. When a new window appears, scroll down to Process Model.

Click on Load User Profile entry and change the Boolean value from True to False. Click the OK button and Restart your Application Pool. Hereafter, when you attempt to browse the website, you should not see the error HTTP Error 503 again.